Ripley and her boys are ready!
Ripley and her 4 puppies are available for adoption.
Ripley is about a year old, perhaps a chihuahua/pug mix. Her adorable underbite makes up for the fact that this 20 pounder has no manners! We’ll be working on that over the next few weeks before she and her pups are ready for their forever homes.
The 4 male puppies are 6.5 weeks old. They’ll stay with us for a few more weeks in order to gain the maximum benefits of what their litter mates and their mom can teach them.
We have started their ‘training’ in these areas: crate conditioning, pottying in one spot, recall, ‘new is good’, socializing to sounds & smells & stable/friendly dogs & people. We know that the first 12 weeks of life are critical to a puppy’s future development, so we give them every advantage!
Since we don’t know who dad is, we’re thinking that these puppies will grow to be around mom’s size – 20-ish pounds as an adult.
We’re taking applications now, so message us if you are interested in adopting!